Sunday, April 17, 2011


The smell and sounds of the ocean--lovely. Smell of 80,000 seals hanging out--not so delightful--  But incredibly intertaining.  Doug and I headed out for our first trip to the coastal town of Swakopmund.  This little town is heavily german-influenced (cuisine and lots of white folks speaking German) and considered the "adventure" capitol of the country.  Weather was fairly overcast and a bit chilly so on Saturday we drove up the beginning of the Skeleton Coast and went to the Cape Cross Seal Reserve.  Doug kept trying to temper my expectations with comments that, "You know the seals might not be there, this might not be the best time of year...blah blah blah."  But we came up to the watch deck and there were thousands upon thousands of seals.  Little baby seals, big fat momma seals, brother and sister seals--will send photos as soon as I get them off the camera.  We wanted to bring one home for Finnegan but we thought he might get jealous.

On Sunday we decided to partake in some of the "adventure capitol" title of the town and headed out for a day of sandboarding.  There are HUGE dunes in Swakopmund and people fly over them, drive quad bikes on them, take tours around them and sandboard.  Doug did stand up sandboarding since he snowboards and I did the "lay-down" option.  So much fun and so MUCH sand.  I'm sure we'll be shaking it out of all of our parts for days.   Doug wouldn't like me bragging but everyone was impressed with his mad sandboard skillz--his years of snowboarding in Colorado gave him an edge on the other boarders for sure..  We'll definitely have to try this out at the Sand Dunes back in Colorado. 

We also were able to stay this weekend with Doug's friend Angela who was such a lovely host.  And she had two English labs named Phoebe and Hector so that was fun as well.  More later.  We have a short week as Easter holiday is both on Thursday and Monday--more details on our next adventure soon.

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