Friday, April 1, 2011

A study in contrast: living in Namibia

The modern city of Windhoek where I will work at the Polytechnic University. 
About two million people live Namibia, and one million are here. We will live in Faculty Housing at the "Poly" which is located on a hill above the downtown.  The university has nearly 12,000 students from all over the country.  

This is a photo of one of the houses at the "Fish Farm" where Doug works up in the Caprivi Region. The Fish Farm is on the outskirts of a city called Katima which is located on the banks of the Zambezi River.  This is about 13 hours away from Windhoek by bus.  So we have a place in the city and a place in the country.  Many more elephant and hippo sightings in this backyard.

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