Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Early Alert Update

Back at the Poly after a flight back from Caprivi---for the record—the tiny 16 seater plane from Caprivi beats the Intercape bus ride any day of the week.  The plane flew fairly low so we had a great view of the Okavango River.  I arrived back in time for several importantmeetings today regarding the kick-off of the early alert program.  Here is where we’re at…
I am finishing up my project here at the Polytechnic and have a little less than two weeks of work left.  Amazingly, enough--if all goes as planned--  my final day on June 3rd will involve doing a staff induction for the three newly hired academic counselors who will run the early alert program pilot.  While much less complex than CU Denver's system,  but the three schools invovled in the pilot are enthusastic.  They simply do very little around retention, so I am excited that this can be a basic start for addressing the needs of at-risk students. It has been very rewarding to feel that something concrete was accomplished in my time here.  This is not easy feat in Namibia.

I received final approval today from all the Deans and from academic support services to move forward with the project.  Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. So happy for all the updates... the littles will be thrilled with the lovely photos of your adventures!! So very very cool. Be well and safe!!

